Teach and Earn More
Get This Course (worth thousands) NOW For Only $99 and Put Your Money to Work for You
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You are a busy teacher.
You know you have a pension but will your pension be enough when you retire?
You don't have time to learn to research and follow stocks. Or real estate. Or any other investment. You don't even know how a teacher would get pre-tax access to such investments.
You don't want to be taken advantage of by a smooth talking, overcharging salesmen.
After this class you will know what types of investments teachers CAN get access to, which earn the most, which cost the least, and HOW to move your retirement funds to the best option.
So how does a teacher get the best deal for themselves and their family?
This course is designed for the average teacher who wants to set up their retirement plan in the least amount of time and effort and be able to set it and forget it.
This course is for teachers who wants to slash fees that are crushing their earnings. This course is for teachers who want to feel safe and secure while their retirement investments grow like Warren Buffett's.
Note - This is NOT a "get rich quick" plan for teachers.
If you are ok being patient and gradually earning much more during your career keep reading.
The average teacher is leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars behind during the career.
Stop being one of them!
The exciting news is that you can give yourself a raise starting today.
Mark Eichenlaub has helped dozens of teachers passively earn tens of thousands of more dollars. Mark's work has been mentioned in multiple New York Times articles and and helped a growing number of teachers.
You deserve to be part of the growing movement of teachers earning more.
Where is this extra money coming from?
You are missing out on a source of passive income that the richest Americans enjoy and you've most likely never heard about. You are also being crushed under repressive fees that are enriching insurance companies.
How can I get it?
You will learn in this course how to work with your school district to make some basic changes to your 403b plan (or properly start one) that will put your earnings on steroids.
You will learn from teachers who have already earned over a million dollars and retired early.
You will learn what to say, to who, and what kind of life is on the other side of these new earnings.
You will learn how to set up your plan one time and not have to touch it again, letting your money grow passively.
It's time to get your dollars growing for you TODAY!
Get this course for only $99!
It's time for you to think long term about yourself and your loved ones.
You will hear from other teachers who have been through this process and how much more money they earned by following this process.
Your Instructor
Hello! I am Mark Eichenlaub. I have been a teacher for 10 years and love helping my students and fellow teachers.
Over the past few years I have been incredibly upset at the increasing tolls that have been placed on teachers. I have obsessed over ways to making teaching less stressful and more rewarding for teachers.
Teachers deserve to be happier, healthier, and wealthier. This is a noble goal in and of itself but I also believe that when teachers are happier, healthier, and wealthier they will be better in the classroom.
I write about this topic ProsperousTeachers.com. The ProsperousTeachers podcast is on iTunes here. Mark can be found on Twitter at @MarkWEichenlaub.
Frequently Asked Questions
Teachers DESERVE to rewarded for what they do for children and for our country.
Congratulations on being part of positive change for our profession!